Monday, November 1, 2010

Grade XI, Science Program group 1-4

Learn the article about RSBI program from the following link:
Then, give your comments on the topic in at least a hundred words.
Deadline: November 8th, 2010

1 comment:

  1. I disagree if International School is only wasting money. The money wasted for it should be balanced with the provided facilities and also best teachers that can perform good teaching way. About the lesson, I agree if the teacher should use English in teaching, but considering that in our school it's not possible to do, Both teacher and student will be confused what they are talking. So, we'd better to use Bahasa Indonesia than English since of course it will be easier to be understood. For me, it will be really interesting if the teacher could explain the lesson in English fluently, not only using "simple" English that actually makes me confused and sounds ridiculous. Or maybe we can invite foreign teachers from abroad and teach us, but it only makes this problem getting worse. And the curriculum, it would be very great to adopt international standard in our lesson. It's what we need ! The quality of International, not only the language. That's only a opinion, correct me if I was wrong, thanks.
