Syllabus Year 2010/2011

School                                  : SMA N 1 KENDAL
Subject                                 : English
Grade/Semester              : XI/I

Standard of Competence
Basic Competence
Learning Material
Learning Activity
Time Allotment
Learning Resources
1.    Understanding meanings of formal and sustained transactional and interpersonal dialogs in daily-life contexts
1.1 Responding accurately, fluently and appropriately the meanings of formal and sustained transactional and interpersonal dialogs in daily-life contexts involving the speech acts of: giving and asking opinion, expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction

· Giving opinion:
A: I think this is great.
B: I think so.
· Asking opinion:
A: What do you think about it?
B: It’s a good idea.
· Expressing satisfaction:
A: I can’t think of anything better.
B: Thank you for the compliment
· Expressing dissatisfaction:
A: I’m not happy about it.
B: Please give me a second chance.

·   Doing literature study to identify various expressions of giving opinion and the possible responses
·   Listening to the transactional and interpersonal dialogs
·   Discussing in groups various expressions and their responses from the given dialogs
· Identifying difficult vocabularies in the dialogs
· Identifying the relations between speakers
· Identifying the expressions of giving and asking opinion
· Responding to the given expressions about opinion
· Identifying expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
· Responding to the given expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
·  Quiz (both oral and written)
·  Assignment
·  Test (both oral and written)
·   BSE: unit III p.45, 54
·   BSE: unit II p.26-28, 34, 38

1.2 Responding accurately, fluently and appropriately the meanings of formal and sustained transactional and interpersonal dialogs in daily-life contexts involving the speech acts of: giving advice, warning, granting requests and expressing feelings of pain, relief and pleasure
· Giving advice:
A: You’d better do it now.
B: I will.
· Warning:
A: Don’t make the same mistake.
B: I won’t.
· Granting request:
A: Will you tell me about it?
B: Sure. I will.
· Expressing feelings:
A: I feel so relieved.
B: I can see that.
A: Augh… It hurts so much.
B: Oh you poor thing.
A: I am so pleased.
B: I’m glad you like it.
·   Doing literature study to identify various expressions of giving opinion and the possible responses
·   Listening to the transactional and interpersonal dialogs
·   Discussing in groups various expressions and their responses from the given dialogs
· Identifying difficult vocabularies in the dialogs
· Identifying the relations between speakers
· Identifying the expressions of giving advice and warning
· Responding to the given expressions about giving advice and warning
· Identifying expressions of expressing pain, relief and pleasure
· Responding to the given expressions of pain, pleasure and relief

·  Quiz (both oral and written)
·  Assignment
·  Test (both oral and written)
·  BSE: unit I p.5-7
·  BSE: unit IV p.64, 65, 72
·  BSE: unit V p.79-82
·  Text Types in English: p.96
2.    Understanding the meanings of simple oral functional texts and monologs of reports, narratives and analytical exposition within daily-life contexts
2.1 Responding accurately, fluently, and appropriately the meanings of simple spoken functional texts in various daily-life contexts
· announcement

·   Listening to an announcement
·   Discussing the topic of the announcement
·   Discussing the vocabularies used by announcer
· Identifying the vocabularies in an announcement
· Identifying the information given by an announcer
· Identifying the purpose of the text
·  Quiz (both oral and written)
·  Assignment
·  Test (both oral and written)
·  Look Ahead

2.2 Responding accurately, fluently and appropriately the meanings of monologs of report, narrative and analytical exposition within daily-life contexts
· Monologs of report, narrative and analytical exposition

·   Listening to monologs
·   Discussing the text structure of report, narrative and analytical exposition
·   Discussing the language features of report, narrative and analytical exposition
· Identifying the social function of report, narrative and analytical exposition
· Identifying the text structure of report, narrative and analytical exposition
· Identifying the language features of report, narrative and analytical exposition

·  Quiz (both oral and written)
·  Assignment
·  Test (both oral and written)
·  BSE: unit II p.25, 44,79
·  Flash Player File of
·  Video of Aladdin

3.    Expressing meanings of formal and sustained transactional and interpersonal dialogs in daily-life contexts
3.1 Expressing accurately, fluently and appropriately the meanings of formal and sustained transactional and interpersonal dialogs in daily-life contexts involving the speech acts of: giving and asking opinion, expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction
· Giving opinion:
A: I think this is great.
B: I think so.
· Asking opinion:
A: What do you think about it?
B: It’s a good idea.
· Expressing satisfaction:
A: I can’t think of anything better.
B: Thank you for the compliment
· Expressing dissatisfaction:
A: I’m not happy about it.
B: Please give me a second chance.

·   Listening to the transactional and interpersonal dialogs
·   Mentioning various expressions and their responses from the given dialogs
·   Acting out dialogs in pairs
· Identifying difficult vocabularies in the dialogs
· Identifying the relations between speakers
· Identifying the expressions of giving and asking opinion
· Responding to the given expressions about opinion
· Identifying expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
· Responding to the given expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
·  Quiz (both oral and written)
·  Assignment
·  Test (both oral and written)
·  BSE: unit III p.44, 47, 55
·  BSE: unit II p. 34
3.2 Expressing accurately, fluently and appropriately the meanings of formal and sustained transactional and interpersonal dialogs in daily-life contexts involving the speech acts of: giving advice, warning, granting requests and expressing feelings of pain, relief and pleasure
· Giving advice:
A: You’d better do it now.
B: I will.
· Warning:
A: Don’t make the same mistake.
B: I won’t.
· Granting request:
A: Will you tell me about it?
B: Sure. I will.
· Expressing feelings:
A: I feel so relieved.
B: I can see that.
A: Augh… It hurts so much.
B: Oh you poor thing.
A: I am so pleased.
B: I’m glad you like it.
·   Listening to the transactional and interpersonal dialogs
·   Mentioning various expressions and their responses from the given dialogs
·   Acting out dialogs in pairs
· Identifying difficult vocabularies in the dialogs
· Identifying the relations between speakers
· Identifying the expressions of giving advice, warning and granting request
· Responding to the given expressions about giving advice, warning and granting request
· Identifying expressions of expressing pain, relief and pleasure
· Responding to the given expressions of expressing relief, pain and pleasure
·  Quiz (oral)
·  Assignment
·  Test (both oral and written)
·  BSE: p. 5-6
·  BSE: p. 64-66
·  BSE: p. 79-82, 209-210
4.    Expressing orally the meanings of simple functional texts and monologs of reports, narratives and analytical exposition within daily-life contexts
4.1 Expressing accurately, fluently, and appropriately the meanings of simple spoken functional texts in various daily-life contexts
·  announcement
·   Listing the appropriate vocabularies used by an announcer
·   Discussing the vocabularies in pairs
·   Practicing announcing some information

· Identifying the vocabularies used in an announcement
· Practicing to be an announcer
·  Quiz ( oral)
·  Assignment
·  Test (oral)
·  Look Ahead
·  Text Types in English 2: p.141, 142
4.2 Expressing accurately, fluently and appropriately the meanings of monologs of report, narrative and analytical exposition within daily-life contexts
· Monologs of report, narrative and analytical exposition

·   Listening to monologs
·   Note taking of the content of the monologs
·   Reconstructing the monologs
·   Discussing the language features of report, narrative and analytical exposition

· Identifying the text structure of the given report, narrative and analytical exposition
· Identifying the language features of the given report, narrative and analytical exposition

· Making up monologs of report, narrative and analytical exposition
·  Quiz (both oral and written)
·  Assignment
·  Test (both oral and written)
·  BSE: p. 33, 47, 73
·  Video of Aladdin

5.    Understanding the meanings of simple written functional texts and essays of reports, narratives and analytical exposition within daily-life contexts in order to access knowledge
5.1 Responding accurately, fluently, and appropriately the meanings of simple functional texts (e.g.: banner, poster, pamphlet, etc.) in various daily-life contexts
· Poster
· Pamphlet
· Vacancy
·   Discussing the information in poster pamphlet, and vacancy
·   Discussing the text structure of poster pamphlet and vacancy
· Discussing the layout of poster pamphlet and vacancy
·   Discussing the language feature of poster pamphlet and vacancy

· Identifying the information in poster pamphlet and vacancy
· Identifying the text structure of poster pamphlet and vacancy
· Identify the layout of poster pamphlet and vacancy
· Identifying the language feature of poster pamphlet vacancy

·  Assignment
· BSE: p.41, 44, 56
· Look Ahead: p. 118
5.2 Responding accurately, fluently and appropriately the meanings and rhetorical development of essays in the forms of report, narrative and analytical exposition within daily-life contexts in order to access knowledge
· Written texts of report, narrative and analytical exposition
·   Discussing the social function of a report, narrative and analytical exposition
· Discussing the text structure of report, narrative and analytical exposition
·   Discussing the language features of report, narrative and analytical exposition

· Identifying the social function of report, narrative and analytical exposition
· Identifying the text structure of report, narrative and analytical exposition
· Identifying the language features of report, narrative and analytical exposition

·  Assignment
·  Test (written)
· BSE: p. 14, 47, 48, 86
· Text Types in English 2: p.88-89, 92, 95
· Text Types in English 2: p.8, 12-13, 26, 160, 161
6.    Expressing in written the meanings of simple written functional texts and monologs of reports, narratives and analytical exposition within daily-life contexts
6.1 Expressing accurately, fluently, and appropriately the meanings of simple functional texts (e.g.: banner, poster, pamphlet, etc.) in various daily-life contexts
· Poster
· Pamphlet
· Vacancy
·   Finding some vocabularies used in a poster and pamphlet
·   Making an outline of student’s own poster and pamphlet
·   Constructing student’s own poster and pamphlet
·   Making an application letter based on a given vacancy
· Identifying the language features of banner, poster and pamphlet
· Identifying the text structure of poster and pamphlet
· Making up poster and pamphlet
· Making an application letter

·  Assignment
· BSE: p.41, 44, 56
· Look Ahead: p. 118
6.2 Expressing accurately, fluently and appropriately the meanings and rhetorical development of essays in the forms of report, narrative and analytical exposition within daily-life contexts in order to access knowledge
· Written texts of report, narrative and analytical exposition
·   Making an outline of student’s own report, narrative and analytical exposition
·   Constructing student’s own repot, narrative and analytical exposition

· Identifying the text structure of the given report, narrative and analytical exposition
· Identifying the language features of the given report, narrative and analytical exposition
· Making up written text of report, narrative and analytical exposition
·  Assignment
·  Test (written)
· BSE: p.33, 54, 88, 91
· Text Types in English 2: p.92-96
· Text Types in English 2: p.14, 15, 17
· Text Types in English 2: p.133, 134, 138

Approved by                                                                                                                             Kendal, July 2010
School Principal                                                                                                                                     Teacher

Drs. Iskandar                                                                                                                                          Tutik Huma, S. Pd
NIP. 19621112 198803 1 007                                                                                                              NIP. 19841214 200903 2 015

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